Update Concrete5 (version?) to concrete5.7.3.1

My English is not the best, but I'll try and describe my problem. Furthermore, I am not 100% web specialist, explain it to easily and clearly for me :)

I use UnoEuro and has recently has updated the Web server from PHP 5.3 to PHP 5.6.
This has meant that our website (http://www.kims-gulvbelaegning.dk ) has crashed. I think it's because we do not have the latest concret5 solution?

Am I not right in this?
Then I have tried to manually Upgrading from an unknown Concrete5 solution to the latest concrete5.7.3.1

I have just not able to login on the dashboard? Since our site is unavailable.

Therefore I have tried to download the latest version of c5, and rename the old c5 in my / public_html

But who join the this error:
Warning: include (/var/www/kims-gulvbelaegning.dk/public_html/application/bootstrap/autoload.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in / var / www / kims floor coverings .com / public_html / concrete / bootstrap / autoload.php on line 8

Warning: include () [function.include]: Failed opening '/var/www/kims-gulvbelaegning.dk/public_html/application/bootstrap/autoload.php' for inclusion (include_path = '/ var / www / kims floor coverings. com / public_html / concrete / vendor :. ') in /var/www/kims-gulvbelaegning.dk/public_html/concrete/bootstrap/autoload.php on line 8

Fatal error: Class 'Symfony \ Component \ ClassLoader \ MapClassLoader' not found in /var/www/kims-gulvbelaegning.dk/public_html/concrete/src/Foundation/ClassLoader.php on line 34

I have try to write:
and that does not help :(

What have I done wrong?

I have mentioned renamed the old c5, and downloaded the new version c5, and thrown it into / public_html

I have mentioned no immediate opportunity to work in the dashboard?

What am I doing wrong.
Very much hope on the can help me

Best regards

MrKDilkington replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi BoysenGulv,

I am not sure why updating PHP from 5.3 to 5.6 would break your site.

Based on a cached version of your site, you were running concrete5 -

There is no upgrade path from 5.6 to 5.7.

Do you have any backups of your site before the PHP update? If not, have you contacted your web host to get a backup copy (before the crash, when the site was working)?
BoysenGulv replied on at Permalink Reply
Hello again

thanks for this info. So my side has all worked up until April 20?

Have I tried back and forth with different c5 versions that I have renamed my normal c5 to concrete_old under / public_html.
Since none of the other c5 succeeded, I choose now remove the new c5 programs and rename concrete_old back to comcrete

But thus saith the actually another error now?

Catchable fatal error: Object of class Block Record kan ikke converted two string in /var/www/kims-gulvbelaegning.dk/public_html/concrete/libraries/3rdparty/Zend/Cache/Core.php on line 361

What can it be?

When I 1 year ago did this here website so it was on unoeruos 1-clik installation where I made it with concrete.

And it has worked fine up until now.

You can make different test sites on unoeruo, and you can make one-click installations, and I do a test with a concrete and it works. But my old c5 does not work. Therefore, I possibly would see if I could Updating the 1 year old c5?

Hope you can help

BoysenGulv replied on at Permalink Reply
if ($this->_options['automatic_serialization']) {
// we need to serialize datas before storing them
This is line 361 ---> $data = serialize($data);
} else {
if (!is_string($data)) {
Zend_Cache::throwException("Datas must be string or set automatic_serialization = true");
BoysenGulv replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi again

i found this guide:


This solved our problem

I thought it was an update of c5 was needed. However, it was much easier :)

Thanks for your help, and this thread can be closed


This is solved the problem

if ($this->_options['automatic_serialization']) {
// we need to serialize datas before storing them
This is line 361 i set this to // ---> // $data = serialize($data);
} else {
if (!is_string($data)) {
Zend_Cache::throwException("Datas must be string or set automatic_serialization = true");