update from to ends in blank page

I can't upgrade from to :(

My current version in the main folder is 5.5.2, but was already upgraded to (which is located in the updates folder).

I uploaded to the same Updates folder, and went to Dashboard > System > Update (after I backed up the database). There I update to (see attached image), but then I end up on a blank page, and the whole site, including the Dashboard is blank. Also the source is complete empty.

I can undo the failed 'upgrade' it by adding comment tags in config/site.php :

<?php // define('DIRNAME_APP_UPDATED', 'concrete5.6.0.2');?>

I have no idea how to upgrade to 5.6... Anyone got a clue?

1 Attachment

pixeleleven replied on at Permalink Reply

I have done exact same thing.... did you manage to find a fix?

All my site except Home page is blank, although all appear in site map, again I went from to

tallacman replied on at Permalink Reply
There is a whole section in the how-tos on how to do this. Some of them are easier than others. Recommended to back up everything before you try.
I will also take updates on as a paid job. PM me for details.
pixeleleven replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Tallacman,

Thanks for the reply but I was using an installation how to, I have also updated another site same day, albeit different updates than I have here and all worked fine.

It was that the OP had the same update path on this site and exactly same problem.

My further problem is that I need to upgrade this clients site as there is a ProEvents calendar block problem on the site which Chad at Radiant cannot support at

So I am stuck ;o(


dedekjr replied on at Permalink Reply
I came to the same problems. Nothing works after upgrade wrote that everything went just fine - I have only blank pages even at dashboard and can't even log in.
Database version matches the site one.
Was able to reverse it.

Still would love to upgrade since my old version is kinda old.

Help? anyone? please?
JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
From you could upgrade straight to and miss out

There were some bugs in the upgrade round about early 5.6 releases, a particularly awkward bug was if any package controllers used events, the events mechanism was not disabled during the upgrade and could lead to a broken site (though I am not saying that is what happened to your site).

You may also run into a chicken and egg problem with addon packages, where the old version of the addon can break a new version of c5, but the updated addon won't work with the old version. Such problems are more common with themes, but some complex addons can also run into the glitch.

To recover.
1. Run the upgrade script again manually. That may be all you need to do. (instructions are in the root of the zip file)

If that doesn't work:
2. Revert to a backup from when the site was last working
3. Swap to a default theme (greek yogurt or plain yogurt). Some of your content in area those themes don't support will be hidden, but it won't be lost.
4. Disable cache and pretty URLs
5. Remove any overrides (copy them out with FTP, you can copy them back again later)
6. Upgrade in the biggest steps that are possible http://www.concrete5.org/developers/downloads...

If it still fails, go back and do it again, but uninstall complex packages. A good place to start is any packages thats set up event handlers in the package controller or their own package specific overrides.

With a major upgrade, I usually get all the glitches ironed out on a clone of the site before risking the real site.