updating concrete5 gives the following error

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Warning: set_time_limit(): Cannot set time limit due to system policy in /customers/8/b/2/maesdael.be/httpd.www/concrete/core/controllers/single_pages/upgrade.php on line 6 Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /customers/8/b/2/maesdael.be/httpd.www/concrete/core/controllers/single_pages/upgrade.php:6) in /customers/8/b/2/maesdael.be/httpd.www/concrete/core/controllers/single_pages/dashboard/system/backup_restore/update.php on line 149

anyone know a solution or have encounterd this?

mikkelwh replied on at Permalink Reply
I have same problem?
waldbach replied on at Permalink Reply
Me too. :(
shoutmediaca replied on at Permalink Reply
It looks like your hosting provider doesn't allow the set_time_limit function.

Try going into /concrete/core/controllers/single_pages/upgrade.php and commenting out line 6:

ini_set('display_errors', 1);
if (!ini_get('safe_mode')) {
//   set_time_limit(0);
   ini_set("max_execution_time", 0);
waldbach replied on at Permalink Reply
Fantastic, thanks!!!