Upgrade: -> 5.7.5
Hi I tried to upgrade my concrete from to new 5.7.5. Following error occurred, I need help, pls:
What do I need to change/do?
An exception occurred while executing 'select CollectionVersionBlocks.isOriginal, CollectionVersionBlocks.cbIncludeAll, Blocks.btCachedBlockRecord, BlockTypes.pkgID, CollectionVersionBlocks.cbOverrideAreaPermissions, CollectionVersionBlocks.cbOverrideBlockTypeCacheSettings, CollectionVersionBlocks.cbOverrideBlockTypeContainerSettings, CollectionVersionBlocks.cbEnableBlockContainer, CollectionVersionBlocks.cbDisplayOrder, Blocks.bIsActive, Blocks.bID, Blocks.btID, bName, bDateAdded, bDateModified, bFilename, btHandle, Blocks.uID from CollectionVersionBlocks inner join Blocks on (CollectionVersionBlocks.bID = Blocks.bID) inner join BlockTypes on (Blocks.btID = BlockTypes.btID) where CollectionVersionBlocks.arHandle = ? and CollectionVersionBlocks.cID = ? and (CollectionVersionBlocks.cvID = ? or CollectionVersionBlocks.cbIncludeAll=1) and CollectionVersionBlocks.bID = ?' with params ["Main : 45", "1", "18", "256"]: SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'CollectionVersionBlocks.cbOverrideBlockTypeContainerSettings' in 'field list'
What do I need to change/do?
I have attached a couple of images that might help..