upgrade errors with 5.5.0
upgraded from and get a blank page with these errors
Warning: set_exception_handler() expects the argument (View::defaultExceptionHandler) to be a valid callback in C:\xampp\htdocs\concrete\concrete\dispatcher.php on line 46
Fatal error: Call to undefined method View::addFooterItem() in C:\xampp\htdocs\concrete\concrete\elements\page_controls_header.php on line 24
can anyone help please
Warning: set_exception_handler() expects the argument (View::defaultExceptionHandler) to be a valid callback in C:\xampp\htdocs\concrete\concrete\dispatcher.php on line 46
Fatal error: Call to undefined method View::addFooterItem() in C:\xampp\htdocs\concrete\concrete\elements\page_controls_header.php on line 24
can anyone help please
Not sure of how you upgraded but it appears to be looking in the old directory. What exactly did you do to upgrade?
thanks for replying
I upgraded the usual way, replaced the complete concrete folder with the new one and pasted
into a browser, said upgraded ok.
I have gone back to the older version and everything works ok, retried the 5.5.0 concrete folder but keep getting the same errors
thanks for replying
I upgraded the usual way, replaced the complete concrete folder with the new one and pasted
into a browser, said upgraded ok.
I have gone back to the older version and everything works ok, retried the 5.5.0 concrete folder but keep getting the same errors
I am having the same issue except that I updated via the dashboard. This has got me in serious trouble now as I have a tight deadline for an update to the website. I tested the upgrade first on a previous update and had no issues but...
Really need someone's help on this. Now a site that the client is monitoring for a large update doesn't exist at all
Really need someone's help on this. Now a site that the client is monitoring for a large update doesn't exist at all
I am experiencing similar issues to what oldwrinkly is having. I've updated several sites from C5.4.2.2 to 5.5.0 to 5.5.1 on my server without any issues. I pulled down a site to upgrade and develop via XAMPP locally and got the first error oldwrinkly talked about. I've triple-checked that the files copied successfully. Still have not found a solution so I'd be interested to hear what folks have to say. Seems like several people are having a similar issue.
I think this is the same error that I got on my site (can't remember for sure).
but I had to do the following
copy "concrete/libaries/events.php" to the root (replicating the path).
About line 160 you will see
replace with
but I had to do the following
copy "concrete/libaries/events.php" to the root (replicating the path).
About line 160 you will see
$params = (is_array($ev[4])) ? $ev[4] : array(); // now if args has any values we put them FIRST $params = array_merge($args, $params); if (method_exists($ev[1], $ev[2])) { // Note: DO NOT DO RETURN HERE BECAUSE THEN MULTIPLE EVENTS WON'T WORK $eventReturn = call_user_func_array(array($ev[1], $ev[2]), $params); }
replace with
$params = (is_array($ev[4])) ? $ev[4] : array(); // now if args has any values we put them FIRST if (is_array($params)) $params = array_merge($args, $params); else $params = array_merge($args, array($params)); if (method_exists($ev[1], $ev[2]) && !empty($params)) { // Note: DO NOT DO RETURN HERE BECAUSE THEN MULTIPLE EVENTS WON'T WORK $eventReturn = call_user_func_array(array($ev[1], $ev[2]), $params); }
Hah! Shaun (Phallanx) wins again. What you posted actually wasn't my problem but spurred the thought, "I wonder if I have any specific overrides in any top level directories". Low and behold there was a view.php in the libraries directory that was for Miser, not 5.5.x. This caused the update to $*&# the bed.
So, I suppose if you see errors like this when you are upgrading, double check your overrides as they could very likely be the source of the issue.
So, I suppose if you see errors like this when you are upgrading, double check your overrides as they could very likely be the source of the issue.
Ah. That (overrides) was the other problem I had. I commented on this in another thread.
The override strategy, whilst great for not modifying the core, does seem to have this one weakness.
The problem above, will only exhibit itself if you only have one event hooked.
The override strategy, whilst great for not modifying the core, does seem to have this one weakness.
The problem above, will only exhibit itself if you only have one event hooked.
Overriding in general is pretty risky behaviour if you are going to do automatic updates. You really need to diff the overrides first, merge any changes and then update. Especially 5.5.
Overriding hopefully isn't something less experienced users are actually doing.
Overriding is essentially no different than modifying the core, beyond giving someone else who comes into it the breadcrumb to follow to see what stuff someone might have changed.
Overriding hopefully isn't something less experienced users are actually doing.
Overriding is essentially no different than modifying the core, beyond giving someone else who comes into it the breadcrumb to follow to see what stuff someone might have changed.
Unfortunately they are. You only need to read through the forums to see that. Most of the time it is peddled as the first choice to get desired behavior since who wants to write an addon when you only need to change 3 lines of code and stick it in a root directory?
one of those ahaa moments.
Thanks for the tips this was the issue I was experiencing, an extended library view, some quick changes and voila.
Thanks for the tips this was the issue I was experiencing, an extended library view, some quick changes and voila.