Upgrade to 5.4 Problem
An Unexpected Error occurred while upgrading: mysql error: [1142: DROP command denied to user 'ukdomest_admin'@'localhost' for table 'CollectionVersionBlockStyles'] in EXECUTE("RENAME TABLE CollectionVersionBlockStyles TO _LegacyCollectionVersionBlockStyles")
I have limited technical knowledge, so answers and requests in english please :)
I have limited technical knowledge, so answers and requests in english please :)
Well of course :)
It helps when you understand what these things are of course. I did read the read me file as supplied with the d/l.
However there is a requirement in the original instructions for DROP to be enabled, as the site is working (very well) I assumed this was already set.
It would appear that this isn't the case?
Any ideas how I change this with an existing install of
It helps when you understand what these things are of course. I did read the read me file as supplied with the d/l.
However there is a requirement in the original instructions for DROP to be enabled, as the site is working (very well) I assumed this was already set.
It would appear that this isn't the case?
Any ideas how I change this with an existing install of
Your MySQL administrator needs to execute the following statement.
mysql> grant INSERT, SELECT, UPDATE, INDEX, DELETE, CREATE, DROP, ALTER on <database>.* to 'ukdomest_admin'@'localhost';
where <database> is the name of your Concrete5 database. Your MySQL administrator should already be familiar with this command.
Either DROP was accidentally left out the first time around, or it was purposely left out (or removed later) to avoid accidentally removing an entire table. Since tables are generally only created during installation, that would explain why things have been working until the upgrade.
mysql> grant INSERT, SELECT, UPDATE, INDEX, DELETE, CREATE, DROP, ALTER on <database>.* to 'ukdomest_admin'@'localhost';
where <database> is the name of your Concrete5 database. Your MySQL administrator should already be familiar with this command.
Either DROP was accidentally left out the first time around, or it was purposely left out (or removed later) to avoid accidentally removing an entire table. Since tables are generally only created during installation, that would explain why things have been working until the upgrade.
Thats fantastic, between you and the guys at Machine Networks things are restored, ready to try the upgrade again!
The support from the community is invaluable, especially for one-man-bands like me. I simply couldnt have a website with this quality without you.
The guys at Machine Networks, restored a backup from earlier today and changed the sql permissions too.
So i'll give this another go...tomorrow!
The support from the community is invaluable, especially for one-man-bands like me. I simply couldnt have a website with this quality without you.
The guys at Machine Networks, restored a backup from earlier today and changed the sql permissions too.
So i'll give this another go...tomorrow!
Seriously, though, take a look at the error message. It says that the DROP command is denied. Step 5 of the installation instructions says that you need to have the DROP privilege.
Contact the MySQL database administrator and ask them to check that your MySQL account has all of the privileges listed in step 5.