Upgrade to 5.4.2 has broken my Add Functionality page

We have just upgraded an old C5 site to 5.4.2 and then, from

Ironically, we did this to allow us to install some newer plugins, but now the Add Functionality page is broken. In Chrome, it's a blank page, and in Firefox, it says connection reset.

I have tried setting my debug mode to development, and no PHP errors appear, and I have also moved the packages out of the packages folder one by one to see if any of them were causing the issue. No matter what I do, I get no response from the Add Functionality page.

What can I do to get this back? Can't find any other relevant answers on this forum.


JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
It was a long time ago, but I seem to remember a bug with the upgrade process with 5.4.2. If you look back through the bug reports for that version, it may be relevant.

Unfortunately the bug reports are not easily searchable so you may need to search the hard way.

Remember to also check closed reports as the bug will have been fixed.
b3nfallaize replied on at Permalink Reply
I have been through the bug tracker page, for 5.4.2 and all versions before that and I can find no trace of a bug like this.

There is a bug related to the download script for plugins, but obviously I can't even get that far, so a different one I think.

I have also upgraded to successfully through the web update system, but still no fix.

Surely there should be some PHP errors showing when I change the debug mode to development? I mean there must be an error of some sort?
JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes, now you remind me the bug relating to the download script is the one I remember and I expect that, with the code upgraded to, it would be fixed in the code you are running.

I have never upgraded a 5.3.x site. My experience of concrete5 starts with 5.4

I also recollect there being a change in the upgrade process about then. Where upgrades used to involve copying over the concrete directory, they switched to using the updates directory and a pointer in config/site.

So at some point in your upgrade process you will have copied a new concrete install over your existing concrete directory, and after that point there should be a definition in config/site now pointing to in the updates directory.

Perhaps you could list the process you applied in more detail and see if it triggers any ideas for me or for anyone else.

Which versions you copied over? Which versions are in the upgrade directory? Which upgrade scripts you ran? What backups do you have from each stage of this? Also, can you run backups successfully now?

Can you get to the c5 log page and view the log? there may be errors in that which are not reported to the page. There is also a php error log file which you may be able to read through ftp or you hosts control panel. Again, it may list errors that never made it to the page.

Another possibility is that you are in a chicken and egg situation with one of your addons and that is breaking the Add Functionality page (it needs upgrading for, but you can't upgrade it because the old version breaks the upgrade page). You have already tested that by removing them, but such removal may actually cause secondary errors.

A way round that is to check through each addon manually in the marketplace and, where a new compatible version is available, download the zip and use ftp to patch over the addon files in you packages directory. (Make a files backup first)
b3nfallaize replied on at Permalink Reply
Ok, it's fixed.

The PHP error was showing this error:


I had a copy of my blocks directory in the root of concrete5. This is because the developers that "wrote" the site before I took over did a lot of manual tweaking to the concrete folder, and I tried to copy it across.

Removing the library_file directory has fixed this particular issue, but I need to go through and remove any of the others.

Thanks for the help, I am posting this here so anyone else can also find this answer.