upgraded from 8.4.3 to 8.5.4
I tried to upgrade from 8.4.3 to 8.5.3 but I'm not sure if I did it correctly.
On concrete5.org > My Account > My concrete5 Sites - the version is listed as 8.4.3
On website > System & Settings > Environmental Information - it shows:
# concrete5 Version
Core Version - 8.5.4
Version Installed - 8.5.4
Database Version - 20200609145307
How can I verify which version I have installed?
How can I fix this?
Thank you,
On concrete5.org > My Account > My concrete5 Sites - the version is listed as 8.4.3
On website > System & Settings > Environmental Information - it shows:
# concrete5 Version
Core Version - 8.5.4
Version Installed - 8.5.4
Database Version - 20200609145307
How can I verify which version I have installed?
How can I fix this?
Thank you,

The version showing in the dashboard of your website is the correct one. If you access the Extend concrete5 area and re-connect to the community I think it will update the project details on concrete5.org but I am no 100% sure about how that actually gets updated.