Upgraded to 5.4.2 - Can't Edit Pages, Slideshows Gone, and Power Slider Disappeared

Tonight, I just upgraded from Version 5.4.1 to 5.4.2 - upon upgrading, I can now no longer edit pages, and have lost significant content on various pages...

My site ishttp://www.vcclockport.com - On the home page, I had a Power Slider showing right there, and on various other pages had other slide shows. Now, none of it is there. I can log in and see the sitemap, but cannot edit any pages. If I click the File Manager, everything displays like a page that only loaded 1/3 of the way - images show, but nothing else. No content, no text, nothing - except pictures and page numbers.

I know - back up the Database and the Root of the Web Folder prior to backing up - unfortunately, my locally saved copy got severely corrupted during download and is now unusable.

Any suggestions?

mdzoidberg replied on at Permalink Reply
Looks good to me, what's the issue? did you clear your cache?
jhanson replied on at Permalink Reply
I reverted back to by copying the package files to root\updates and renamed it to 5.4.2 - it successfully reverted back. As soon as that was done, slideshows, power slider, and the ability to edit restored. I've also contacted the theme writer to see if it's a theme thing.

> To: jonathan.hanson@hotmail.com
> Subject: Upgraded to 5.4.2 - Can't Edit Pages, Slideshows Gone, and Power Slider Disappeared: Upgraded to 5.4.2 - Can't Edit Pages, Slideshows Gone, and Power Slider Disappeared
> From: discussions@concretecms.com
> Date: Mon, 15 Aug 2011 05:51:01 -0400