Upgraded to and now can't exit maintenance mode

Permalink 1 user found helpful
I put my site into maintenance mode as per the instructions and upgraded successfully. But now if I go to mysite.com/login and enter my username and password, it redirects to mysite.com in maintenance mode, and there's no way to re-enable my site.


ConcreteOwl replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
davidnash replied on at Permalink Reply
This worked, thanks. Although in this case it was a development server I've got to say it's a little concerning that it's this easy to lock yourself out of your own site, simply by following the supplied instructions.

Anyway.. thanks weyboat!
mlane replied on at Permalink Reply
You are WONDERFUL!!!

Thanks for this info. Helped a newbie tremendously....
PauloCarvalhoDesign replied on at Permalink Reply
Go to updates/concrete/startup/maintenance_mode.check

change code to this Assumming your admin :
defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die(_("Access Denied."));
if ((!$c->isAdminArea()) && ($c->getCollectionPath() != '/login')) {
$smm = Config::get('SITE_MAINTENANCE_MODE');
$u = new User();
if ($smm == 1 && $u->getUserName() != "admin") {
$v = View::getInstance();
You should now not only access you site but also do build and edit the front end.