Upgraded to 5.6 - Dashboard broken - screenshot attached - Any ideas?
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After upgrade the site seemed to work perfectly. Now after a day of using it the dashboard has broken (see the link)
This points to some sort of caching issue in that I am no longer using whatever I may have previously had cached (although I did clear cache then). I'm not sure if its server side cache that I was seeing and now I am no longer seeing.
The admin side is only loading three css files:
These are all served out of the updates/concrete5.6.0.2 directory so I'm ruling out conflicting css being the problem.
This is on a clients site so any pointers would be very helpful.
This points to some sort of caching issue in that I am no longer using whatever I may have previously had cached (although I did clear cache then). I'm not sure if its server side cache that I was seeing and now I am no longer seeing.
The admin side is only loading three css files:
These are all served out of the updates/concrete5.6.0.2 directory so I'm ruling out conflicting css being the problem.
This is on a clients site so any pointers would be very helpful.
Actually I'm still getting that issue. I going to start from a fresh download instead of the upgrade path I currently have...
I'm having the same problem as well. Would love to have some help or input from someone. Very, very frustrating.
I also have the same issue when editing blocks. Not sure what to do here. Wondering if this is also related to why the site loads very slowly as well.
I also have the same issue when editing blocks. Not sure what to do here. Wondering if this is also related to why the site loads very slowly as well.
Try a fresh upgrade, (delete the contents of the /concrete DIR and upload the contents of /concrete from the latest c5 build). Not sure why but the auto update feature gets a bit weird some time.
Thanks for the tip. Tried it and it HAS helped some. It still is jumbled at times and out of whack, but there are times when it's visible and works fine. So that seems to have done something helpful. Thank you!
Would love to figure out what the issue is so that it can be completely fixed.
Would love to figure out what the issue is so that it can be completely fixed.
Discovered the solution. It's the Google Page Speed Optimization by Google. If you turn it off, the problem fixes itself with Dreamhost.
Did you solved your problem? Try to add at the very end of your footer.php before your body ends <?php $this->inc('footer_required');?>
Make sure you don't make the mistake I did by having an overridden ccm.app.css in your /css override folder. Once I removed that and reloaded the dashboard voila!
I upgraded from
With that release I was getting an issue with showLoader sometimes when I tried to save page details. I found on your forum that that issue had been resolved and checked into github. So I figured upgrading should fix that. For a small amount of time it did but now I seem to be in much worse shape.