upgrading Concrete 5
I have a 7 year old Concrete 5 site and it looks like there is no easy way to update it. I have been with Concrete 5 from the days when Franz would email out personally and Concrete 5 was first getting started. The site I have is old but works. Why can't there be an update button that updates to the latest version? The site currently has How does one update this to the latest version 8.?
Version 5.7 is a complete rewrite and 8.x continues from that point. So the jump from 5.7.x to 8.x is quite minor. 5.6 to 5.7 (or 8.x) is a whole different story. So you'd have to migrate and make sure the Add-Ons you use will have a 5.7 version (or 8.x version).
I'm guessing a rewrite of the site has to be done or quite some work has to be put in to transform it into the latest version!