I am new to Concrete5 but something seems wrong or maybe I am.

My new installation tells me to log-in as admin at the "back end" with an URL:http://first-forward.com/index.php/login... which seems correct, but if I type in the sites URL:http://first-forward.com I should see the web site?? but I do not, I keep getting the log in screen also of I type inhttp://www.first-forward.com

Is it internally configured incorrectly?
Is it installed correctly?
or am I missing something here.



MysteriousCleon replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Check the Permissions of the homapage (you can see this page after logging in, can't you?). Just put cursor over Edit in left top corner, and then choose Permissions - it should be set "Guest" and "Administrators" in "Who can view this page?" area and "Administrators" in "Who can edit this Page?" area.

Alternatively you can go to Dashboard (http://www.first-forward.com/index.php/dashboard... ) and there to Full Sitemap, and there find Homepage, click on it and choose Prmissions. Follow like above.
firstforward replied on at Permalink Reply
OK I own up, I am more stupid than I thought I could be!!!

Thanks it works great now.