Use of undefined constant ENABLE_TRANSLATE_LOCALE_EN_US

Hey folks,

I'm getting a strange error in my C5 Installation on a HostEurope-Webspace.

The Message is
Notice: Use of undefined constant ENABLE_TRANSLATE_LOCALE_EN_US - assumed 'ENABLE_TRANSLATE_LOCALE_EN_US' in /is/htdocs/wp12109415_P01LXLT277/www/concrete/core/libraries/localization.php on line 58

Does anyone know where this is coming from?

See the full error message here:

Thanks a lot!

Remo replied on at Permalink Reply
what concrete5 version are you using? This constant should be defined here
Remo replied on at Permalink Reply
Remo replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
but about your actual problem - concrete5 does throw a lot of notices - unfortunately. As it stands right now, you'll have to hide them. Set error_reporting, display_errors or whatever you can do..

It's the way it is right now, things are going to be better with 5.7!
SlapY replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for your reply!
Heavily appreciated.

I'm about to alter the error logging level - this might take up to 15 minutes. I'm going to write again, as soon as it's set.

SlapY replied on at Permalink Reply
Okay thanks a lot!

Everything works now!
