Ver 5.5.0 not passing URL vars

I've just installed v5.5.0 in a localhost setup ok, and copied my theme files from an existing v. production site.

Several of my page-types do have vars passed to them thru the URL.
Very standard stuff: i.e. href="/index.php/mypage?lnkvar=XYZ"

Under version 5.5.0, I think C5 is filtering the variable info. Nothing gets passed. I see the correct URL syntax via the cursor hovering over the link, but when clicked - the "?Lnkvar=XYZ" is not in the URL box and nor is anything process by the code.

I've created a simple tst.php (non-C5) with same simple code and it passes Ok.

I'd appreciate any ideas.


PS/ Love the new C5 admin format. Really neat stuff.

tdpss replied on at Permalink Reply
Ok, this is weird. I can pass URL vars ok now. My "page name" in the site map has both upper and lower case characters. ZnPageVIDX

When I pass href="/index.php/ZnPageVIDX?Lnkvar=ABC" , I get the original problem reported. The correct C5 page does indeed load, but the vars aren't passed.

When I change the page name to all lower case on the html href="/index.php/znpagevidx?Lnkvar=ABC", it now functions correctly.

The C5 page name is still ZnPageVIDX.

Does anyone know what the rule is on "page names", or where I messed up?

Thanks, Dennis