ver eroneous folders?

Just started having a look at C5. Have downloaded ver

I am confused by the file structure. Specifically there is a 2nd level concrete folder within which there are many folder sthat share the same names as top level folders.

site/themes and site/concrete/themes
site/config and site/concrete/config

Many of these folders are empty, though not all.

An error surely?

bikeman replied on at Permalink Reply
It would seem that I am others are creating multiple posts. This is because after clicking submit we have been watching the rotating gif for several minutes and assuming a problem have resubmitted the post. The forum owners may want to to look into this usability issue.
jvansanten replied on at Permalink Reply
Actually, it's by design.

C5 maintains the core code under the top level "concrete" folder.

If you want to override core functionality, typically (though not in every case) you simply copy the file to the top level folder of the same name, and make your modifications there.

This avoids modifying the core, and preserves your changes through updates to C5.

Very handy if you've used some other CMSes which don't provide that approach.

All the best in your exploration.
shahroq replied on at Permalink Reply
Check out this document, you will get whats goin on with these folders: