Wampserver2.0i and C5.4.1 Install on WinXP -Success! -Condensed
Download Wampserver2.0ihttp://www.wampserver.com/en/download.php... and execute it to install to the default directory c:/wamp accepting the defaults for localhost and email.
After download and installation, then start the WampServer. An icon will appear in the quick menu bar or from programs.
From Quicklaunch pick phpMyAdmin then "Privileges".
Find "root" "localhost" "no" "all priviledges" ... and then pick the icon at the end, then scroll down to enter a password and password confirmation. Hit go at the bottom left of the password section. Check above for a message: "The password for 'root'@'localhost' was changed successfully."
Under "Privileges" tab see if Password column has changed to "yes". Do that same for 'root" and '' by entering the password and checking for a confirmatory message above: "The password for 'root'@'' was changed successfully."
Exit Wampserver from the Quicklaunch by right mouse clicking and picking 'exit'..
Then go to directory c:/wamp/apps/phpmyadmin3.2.0.1 and find config.inc.php. Using an editor at line: $cfg['Servers'][$i]['password'] = 'password'; put in your password exactly at the second 'password' only. Save file.
Then turn on Wampserver using "Start-Programs-Wamp...etc" and then use the Quickstart Wampserver Icon to check for phpMyAdmin access. Does it work? If you get 1045 Errors clear the Browser Cache or Refresh several times! I also checked c:/wamp properties and unchecked the greyed out 'Read Only' but do not know if that was necessary.
Refresh your Browser - Does phpAdmin come up. Can you see any databases? Such as "information_schema" and "mysql"? Select the Priviledges Tab and see if localhost and show "yes" under Password. Exit Wampserver again (right mouse click over the icon and pick exit).
Then download Wampserver update for PHP 5.2.9-2 and install. See why herehttp://www.concrete5.org/community/forums/installation/installing_c... Then using the Quicklaunch, picking PHP and then select and check PHP version 5.2.9-2 instead of 3.0.
Turn on Wampserver and check phpMyAdmin access. Is it ok still? Extract Concrete5 to a folder. Rename the folder "Concrete5.4.1" folder to "concrete".
Then copy/move that same folder to "c:wamp\www\...
so you now have the following path: C:\wamp\www\concrete\concrete\ with folders for "blocks", "config", "controllers" etc.
Next create a new database called "concrete" from within phpAdmin. Click on the Database Tab at the top, then create a new database named concrete.
Now try to "Install" Concrete as in http://www.concrete5.org/documentation/installation/hosts/installin...
Where the instructions are: Put http://localhost/concrete in your browser. You will be greeted with the installer and form.
The problem may now be that the "Testing of required items" has green checks on everything except the last item:
"Web Server Access to Files and Configuration Directories
The config/, packages/ and files/ directories must be writable by your web server. Hit "Run" several times to see if this stays the same.
Along with a note below that says:
You must chmod 755 concrete/libraries/3rdparty/htmldiff.py and disable PHP safe mode.
Also across the the top is a red note that says:
"Your packages directory packages/ does not appear to be writable by the web server."
(As some have suggested, I have tried Cuteftp and Filezilla and Filezilla Server -Server but was unable to fix the problem this way. This is a Windows XP install and CHMOD does not work for WinXP. The NTFS file system and Linux file systems operate differently with respect to security permission settings.is problem using it. CuteFTP and Filezilla will CHMOD linux installs, but not on WinXP. Also PutTy and SSH do not work.)
Use PAMB's htmldiff.zip to htmldiff.exe
Titled: "Wampserver2.0i htmldiff.py to exe for windows"
PAMB's post in the thread above has the zip file needed. Find it at the bottom of the post in the bar (its hard to see), Download, unzip and copy it into:
as folder "htmldiff" with two folders underneath "build" and "dist"
To set the "Versioning" to work properly in c:/wamp/www/concrete/concrete/config/base.php
On Line 331 I comment out the original line and insert a new line as follows.
/* Comment out original. See next line to use htmldiff.exe for use under windows
define('DIR_FILES_BIN_HTMLDIFF', DIR_LIBRARIES_3RDPARTY_CORE . '/htmldiff/dist/htmldiff.exe');
Check C:\wamp\bin\php\php5.2.9-2 php.ini in an editor, search for Safe Mode and find or set to
safe_mode = Off
safe_mode_gid = Off
Now when you bring up the Content5 Install athttp://localhost/concrete you should have green checkmarks on all but one item, with the optional Version Comparison is now green and available!
This problem still exists:
"Web Server Access to Files and Configuration Directories:
The config/, packages/ and files/ directories must be writable by your web server." with a red line
This problem was solved for me by adding several empty folders that my Unzip program neglected to unzip (some of these programs do that.)
Created a new "packages" folder under the root directory for C5 at "c:/wamp/concrete" so c:/wamp/www/concrete/packages Then I right clicked on properties and made sure "read only" check box was clear.
Create a new "jobs" folder under c:/wamp/www/concrete subdirectory c:/wamp/www/concrete/jobs for storing error logs.
I do not know how many other empty directories were removed during unzip or extracting.
Now http://localhost/concrete works should with all green checks, so you should now be ready to install C5.4.1!
Referencing http://www.concrete5.org/documentation/installation/hosts/installin...
Now fill in the Form. Case matters!
Site Name: (Appears at the top of site page)
Email: youremail@whatever
Server: localhost (normally for wamp xp)
MySQL User: root (normally)
MySQL Password:XXXXXX (what you setup when installing Wamp and PHPadmin)
Database Name: concrete
Strike the install button. Note your User and Password
You will be given
User: admin
Password: xxxxxx
after the install.
Thanks go to PAMB and all the good notes on the forums.
After download and installation, then start the WampServer. An icon will appear in the quick menu bar or from programs.
From Quicklaunch pick phpMyAdmin then "Privileges".
Find "root" "localhost" "no" "all priviledges" ... and then pick the icon at the end, then scroll down to enter a password and password confirmation. Hit go at the bottom left of the password section. Check above for a message: "The password for 'root'@'localhost' was changed successfully."
Under "Privileges" tab see if Password column has changed to "yes". Do that same for 'root" and '' by entering the password and checking for a confirmatory message above: "The password for 'root'@'' was changed successfully."
Exit Wampserver from the Quicklaunch by right mouse clicking and picking 'exit'..
Then go to directory c:/wamp/apps/phpmyadmin3.2.0.1 and find config.inc.php. Using an editor at line: $cfg['Servers'][$i]['password'] = 'password'; put in your password exactly at the second 'password' only. Save file.
Then turn on Wampserver using "Start-Programs-Wamp...etc" and then use the Quickstart Wampserver Icon to check for phpMyAdmin access. Does it work? If you get 1045 Errors clear the Browser Cache or Refresh several times! I also checked c:/wamp properties and unchecked the greyed out 'Read Only' but do not know if that was necessary.
Refresh your Browser - Does phpAdmin come up. Can you see any databases? Such as "information_schema" and "mysql"? Select the Priviledges Tab and see if localhost and show "yes" under Password. Exit Wampserver again (right mouse click over the icon and pick exit).
Then download Wampserver update for PHP 5.2.9-2 and install. See why herehttp://www.concrete5.org/community/forums/installation/installing_c... Then using the Quicklaunch, picking PHP and then select and check PHP version 5.2.9-2 instead of 3.0.
Turn on Wampserver and check phpMyAdmin access. Is it ok still? Extract Concrete5 to a folder. Rename the folder "Concrete5.4.1" folder to "concrete".
Then copy/move that same folder to "c:wamp\www\...
so you now have the following path: C:\wamp\www\concrete\concrete\ with folders for "blocks", "config", "controllers" etc.
Next create a new database called "concrete" from within phpAdmin. Click on the Database Tab at the top, then create a new database named concrete.
Now try to "Install" Concrete as in http://www.concrete5.org/documentation/installation/hosts/installin...
Where the instructions are: Put http://localhost/concrete in your browser. You will be greeted with the installer and form.
The problem may now be that the "Testing of required items" has green checks on everything except the last item:
"Web Server Access to Files and Configuration Directories
The config/, packages/ and files/ directories must be writable by your web server. Hit "Run" several times to see if this stays the same.
Along with a note below that says:
You must chmod 755 concrete/libraries/3rdparty/htmldiff.py and disable PHP safe mode.
Also across the the top is a red note that says:
"Your packages directory packages/ does not appear to be writable by the web server."
(As some have suggested, I have tried Cuteftp and Filezilla and Filezilla Server -Server but was unable to fix the problem this way. This is a Windows XP install and CHMOD does not work for WinXP. The NTFS file system and Linux file systems operate differently with respect to security permission settings.is problem using it. CuteFTP and Filezilla will CHMOD linux installs, but not on WinXP. Also PutTy and SSH do not work.)
Use PAMB's htmldiff.zip to htmldiff.exe
Titled: "Wampserver2.0i htmldiff.py to exe for windows"
PAMB's post in the thread above has the zip file needed. Find it at the bottom of the post in the bar (its hard to see), Download, unzip and copy it into:
as folder "htmldiff" with two folders underneath "build" and "dist"
To set the "Versioning" to work properly in c:/wamp/www/concrete/concrete/config/base.php
On Line 331 I comment out the original line and insert a new line as follows.
/* Comment out original. See next line to use htmldiff.exe for use under windows
define('DIR_FILES_BIN_HTMLDIFF', DIR_LIBRARIES_3RDPARTY_CORE . '/htmldiff/dist/htmldiff.exe');
Check C:\wamp\bin\php\php5.2.9-2 php.ini in an editor, search for Safe Mode and find or set to
safe_mode = Off
safe_mode_gid = Off
Now when you bring up the Content5 Install athttp://localhost/concrete you should have green checkmarks on all but one item, with the optional Version Comparison is now green and available!
This problem still exists:
"Web Server Access to Files and Configuration Directories:
The config/, packages/ and files/ directories must be writable by your web server." with a red line
This problem was solved for me by adding several empty folders that my Unzip program neglected to unzip (some of these programs do that.)
Created a new "packages" folder under the root directory for C5 at "c:/wamp/concrete" so c:/wamp/www/concrete/packages Then I right clicked on properties and made sure "read only" check box was clear.
Create a new "jobs" folder under c:/wamp/www/concrete subdirectory c:/wamp/www/concrete/jobs for storing error logs.
I do not know how many other empty directories were removed during unzip or extracting.
Now http://localhost/concrete works should with all green checks, so you should now be ready to install C5.4.1!
Referencing http://www.concrete5.org/documentation/installation/hosts/installin...
Now fill in the Form. Case matters!
Site Name: (Appears at the top of site page)
Email: youremail@whatever
Server: localhost (normally for wamp xp)
MySQL User: root (normally)
MySQL Password:XXXXXX (what you setup when installing Wamp and PHPadmin)
Database Name: concrete
Strike the install button. Note your User and Password
You will be given
User: admin
Password: xxxxxx
after the install.
Thanks go to PAMB and all the good notes on the forums.
Michael as you suggested. I've decided to move Concrete5 up one local directory to c:/wamp/www/ Here is what I found worked for me. I hope I have all the step right here.
Turn on Wampserver. Log in to Edit your concrete website. Go to the Dashboard, pick Sitewide settings. Clear the cache. Turn off Basic and Full Page caching. Then backup your Concrete Database. Exit Editing and the website by Signing out. Exit Wampserver.
In C:/wamp/www/ rename the index.php file to wampserverconfig.php (After moving the concrete files up one directory, this will change the localhost link in the Wampserver Quickbar to load your index.php and your site in the browser.)
Current folder structure:
then under that directory:
The goal is to move these up one directory!
In C:/wamp/www/concrete/config/ (I have two "concrete" directories and I want to move the lower directory and associated files, one up one directory) copy and paste site.php for a backup. Edit site.php with wordpad as follows: Change define('DIR_REL', '/concrete'); TO define('DIR_REL', ''); Save the file.
If you have two successive directories called "concrete" as I currently have, rename the top folder to "Concrete2". Then go down one directory to see the main "concrete" directory and the various folders (concrete, config, files, jobs, packages) and files (index.php, INSTALL, LICENSE.TXT, robots.txt, and sitemap.xml). Select all of these folders and files. Pick cut and move up one directory and pick paste. Now all of these files and folders should be directly under "C:/wamp/www" You can now delete the folder "Concrete2" after checking that the folder is empty.
Turn on Wampserver. In your browser enterhttp://localhost/ . Your Concrete5 webpage should load. Then try to log in to Edit. If you are not presented with a Dashboard after logging in, Log out and exit the page.
To fix the DASHBOARD, Delete the BROWSER's CACHE. In Firefox go to Tools/Options/Privacy/ShowCookies Then delete all cookies associated with and localhost. Make sure you get them ALL! Then try logging in again. It should work, it worked for me so the Dashboard came up! Goal accomplished. Concrete5 website moved up one directory to be just under C:/wamp/www.
Thanks for all the good forum notes under "Move site up one directory" Move a Site" , Dashboard Disappeared etc
Turn on Wampserver. Log in to Edit your concrete website. Go to the Dashboard, pick Sitewide settings. Clear the cache. Turn off Basic and Full Page caching. Then backup your Concrete Database. Exit Editing and the website by Signing out. Exit Wampserver.
In C:/wamp/www/ rename the index.php file to wampserverconfig.php (After moving the concrete files up one directory, this will change the localhost link in the Wampserver Quickbar to load your index.php and your site in the browser.)
Current folder structure:
then under that directory:
The goal is to move these up one directory!
In C:/wamp/www/concrete/config/ (I have two "concrete" directories and I want to move the lower directory and associated files, one up one directory) copy and paste site.php for a backup. Edit site.php with wordpad as follows: Change define('DIR_REL', '/concrete'); TO define('DIR_REL', ''); Save the file.
If you have two successive directories called "concrete" as I currently have, rename the top folder to "Concrete2". Then go down one directory to see the main "concrete" directory and the various folders (concrete, config, files, jobs, packages) and files (index.php, INSTALL, LICENSE.TXT, robots.txt, and sitemap.xml). Select all of these folders and files. Pick cut and move up one directory and pick paste. Now all of these files and folders should be directly under "C:/wamp/www" You can now delete the folder "Concrete2" after checking that the folder is empty.
Turn on Wampserver. In your browser enterhttp://localhost/ . Your Concrete5 webpage should load. Then try to log in to Edit. If you are not presented with a Dashboard after logging in, Log out and exit the page.
To fix the DASHBOARD, Delete the BROWSER's CACHE. In Firefox go to Tools/Options/Privacy/ShowCookies Then delete all cookies associated with and localhost. Make sure you get them ALL! Then try logging in again. It should work, it worked for me so the Dashboard came up! Goal accomplished. Concrete5 website moved up one directory to be just under C:/wamp/www.
Thanks for all the good forum notes under "Move site up one directory" Move a Site" , Dashboard Disappeared etc
also just have them extract concrete5.x.x, don't rename it unless your installing in a sub directory