website change from mod_php to fcgi locks out access to Dashboard and DB

Very recent change from mod_php to fcgi appears to lock out access to the Dashboard and DB.

Our VPS manager/expert made this change after my changes to memory_limits - were not showing up properly.. the only way I could get the memory_limits up to 128M were to put the changes in the index.php

which worked ok and increase the memory to 128m, the website was working ok.

But then our VPS expert realized that the site was using mod_php (not right or intended in this case) instead of fcgi.. Therefore he changed it to fcgi, I took out the index.php line, and then he changed the "ownership" of all the files from "apache" to shyc-cc".

Immediately afterwards, I could no longer log into the db or the website Dashboard. This is creating a very big problem, because the will have to be totally recreated or loose it (which is probably what will happen in this case), because I can no longer access the db with PhpMyAdmin to go back to previous DB.

Is there some way to fix this easily?

Maybe I can just delete the "concrete' database from Virtualmin.
Then recreate it with the same user and password.
Then log into in 'concrete' with PhpMyAdmin user and password
Then load the saved db for 5.6.0
Point site.php ---> 5.6.0
Then see if I can get access to the website and move forward to 5.6.3, etc.?

Is this the best way or is there a simpler way?
This whole upgrade has gotten way too involved.


fcgleason replied on at Permalink Reply
I was unable to delete the database from within Virtualmin.
I was also unable to login using phpmyadmin or Dashboard.
I was unable to create a new database from within Virtualmin with shyc-cc as the selected site.

As our VPS pro said the db was fried. We also had some other problems with mysql. He fixed them and with the earlier move to fcgid so that we could set PHP memory to 128m for this website he deleted the old database, then created a new database, and we loaded the new database with a recent backup. With some changes to the config/site.php everything started working, including the public side of the site and the login part.

So now the site appears to be working at version 5.6.3 and with 128mb of memory.

You can follow the full blow by blow here if you have any interest.