
Permalink 1 user found helpful
I hope somebody can help! A web guy introduced us to Concrete 5 which we think is great but then left us to build the site as he pursued something else. When he loaded the site he omitted the www in the address. So we now have a site which loads ashttp://www.oxfordseating.co.uk but which doesn't show the 'www'. We would like to now start promoting the site but feel we should have the www in the address.

We have other sites under-way with Concrete 5 where the www is ok.

Has anybody got any ideas as to how to change this - I don't know why is went wrong in the 1st place!

Many thanks in anticipation.



hostco replied on at Permalink Reply
You need to set your base url.


Add this line of code
define('BASE_URL', 'http://www.oxfordseating.co.uk');
DavidLLewis replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi there,

Thanks for this quick answer. How do I get into the area to edit and change the base url?


hostco replied on at Permalink Reply
You would access this file using FTP access or file manager access through your web hosting control panel.
DavidLLewis replied on at Permalink Reply
Many thanks,