
spelling mistake in French translation

Hi, How to correct a spelling error in the French translation ? How do I get the latest version of the translation source file fr-FR (message.po)? The error is in the following sentence in the form block: Merci de taper les lettres et chiffres p…

Sitewide blocks disappearing upon multilingual mapping

With, when I define a new multilingual content section using a parent page that contains sitewide blocks (e.g. language selector), these blocks disappear and refuse to be added (again): [code]call_user_func_array() expects parameter 1 to be a …

Language Switcher Question

Hi, I'm building my first multilingual C5 site in English and Welsh. Regarding the Language Switcher Block, is it possible to display the Welsh language dropdown selection actually in the Welsh language i.e. 'Cymraeg' instead of 'Welsh' (English)? Than…

/login to /de/login

I have moved the /login-system-page to /de/login in concrete5 8 by drag & drop. Now in the login-form the form-action still is /login - so that does not work anymore. I'm not able to move the page back in the system-root. Is there a way to change…

Version 8 multilanguage

Hi, what is the preferred way to create a multilanguage website with 8 where each language has its own language root? I install C5 in german - then the default language is "de" and the german home is "/". Then I add english and the en-root is "/en". …

Choose Locale

Hi, is there a way to choose a different Locale without going Multilingual maintaining the dashboard and backend in English? I don't want to add an extra to the url slug just to change the locale of dates and I want to keep everything on the backend…

How to change mapped section pages.

Once I have mapped a page to a page from another language section how can I change it? Is removing the page and recreating it the only way?

Page List block translation

Hi, So, in order to use the "page list" block we need to change the source of the 'pages' being listed, say for 'every page under some selected page': the selected page being 'Portfolio page from the correct language sitemap page'. Notice the warnin…

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