C5 5.4 Update Arabic translation

Permalink 1 user found helpful
I've finally finished updating the Arabic translation for 5.4
Please add it to the list of downloads if possible.


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deebocean replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you a lot for the translation. I have a problem using it, I uploaded the languages/Concrete-AR-5.4.po, languages/messages.mo and i edited the site.php to add define("LOCALE", 'ar_AR'); .... But still nothing happened.
Am i doing it wrong?
okhayat replied on at Permalink Reply
What you need to do is:
1. Generate an .mo file out of the .po file (msgfmt concrete.po)
2. Create a valid locale directory inside languages and place the output .mo file inside it: ar_KW/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo
3. Add this line to your config/site.php: define('LOCALE', 'ar_KW');
That should do it.
deebocean replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you for helping. I tried to compile the concrete5.po but no success. However, i used an old messages.mo provided by you in another post, following your instructions here and finally it's working perfect now.
Thank you again for your support.