C5 won´t change language

Installed C5 for testing on server, 5 months ago, in english. Installed spanish language afterwards following this instructions:http://www.concrete5.org/community/forums/internationalization/span...

Now, can´t replicate translation procedure on localhost. Googled the problem, and found this is believed a known issue for C5, both in localhost and remote server.

Any help, advice. Thanks.

kino replied on at Permalink Reply
Remo replied on at Permalink Reply
this might happen if you haven't installed the locales on your linux server. Linux doesn't allow you to set a language if it hasn't been installed.

5.4 doesn't use gettext anymore and this isn't an issue anymore.. I'd try to update first, that should be the easiest thing I think
nicolas replied on at Permalink Reply
Sorry but wrong, 5.4 still uses gettext but through the Zend Framework Translate class. Theorically, you can use another method by changing the first parameter of Zend_Translate function in localization.php.

Sorry but ... right. Gettext usage thru Zend Framework doesn't need gettext extension. Next time I will read docs before writing a post.

Silly me ...