Changing default site language

I first installed a new site with English language. But I would like to change the default language of the site to Finnish because for example pagination interfaces are in English.

Where could I change this?

I tried looking into site's default language which I changed to Finnish and also Multilingual settings. Problem seems to be that the main sitemap tree has English as the language and locale but I can't where I could change this.

Site only has content in one language.

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mlocati replied on at Permalink Reply
I submitted to fix this exact problem
jirosworld replied on at Permalink Reply
So it seems that currently there is no way to change the default home-tree language? During installation I choose English, because it's easier for Development - but ultimately the entire site needs to be in Dutch, including translation of form labels etc.
Does anyone know of a temporary fix?
mlocati replied on at Permalink Reply
No easy temporary fix: you have to wait for concrete5 version 8.3 (you can try the release candidate).
jirosworld replied on at Permalink Reply
A colleague of mine has the following temporary solution that only works for developers (not for editors who only work with the WYSIWYG dashboard):
Copy the file concrete/elements/form/bootstrap3.php to new folder application/elements/form/bootstrap3.php and adjust the Required text there for labels. And outputs of Form fields can also be overridden. This can be done by copying concrete/attributes/ folder to new forlders in application/attributes and override them.

Another solution for me was to do a complete clean install of C5 (and pick the correct language BEFORE installing the core) and start from a completely clean database,
which worked because we didn't have much content yet.
JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
You could patch your current core with the files in the pull on github. I have done so for an 8.2.1 site and it worked. No guarantees it would work as a patch on older cores because it could be out of step with other changes.