Concrete5 translation issue

Hi there,

Don't know if you can help me but here it is.
I have fully translated C5 5.4.1 to Portuguese (pt_PT). Now I want to update this translation to v5.4.1.1. Has I've read on C5 Forums, I've made a new .pot catalog of the C5 v5.4.1.1 with POEDIT, then I've opened v5.4.1 translation on POEDIT, updated it with the v5.4.1.1 .pot catalog and corrected the missing and obsolete translations.
But there's one problem, the v5.4.1.1 .pot catalog has some missing terms to translate (ex: at the dashboard, the terms "Sitewide Settings", "Secure and setup your site", "Add Functionality", "Install addons & themes", and some more, don't show up for translation). Do you know why this happens?!

(Here is the v5.4.1.1 .pot catalog attached)


1 Attachment
