German c5 translation
Permalink 2 users found helpfulGreets
Thx to Remo and all involved.
Post suggestions here with the path where the localizated string lives.
Are any translations for packages included? eCommerce
Or could you be so kind to publish the .po file also so that I can add missing strings for the various packages installed?
second point: Remo wrote about some new features concerning package/block translation (a while ago). Is translation by package now possible with version 5.4?
For blog, the language file comes with the package, as far as i remember, jereme got the latest file from me (but i have to check that).
I dunno if discussion has already a .po file, will find out.
Yes, with 5.4 translating package is possible.
Yeah, i will publish all translated package files soon at
Just copy the languages directory into packages/tony_mailing_list
is the SVN version the version for 5.4? I think not but I would like to help (again ;-) )
I downloaded C5 today in version 5.4 but the language file on SF is not for this version and the SVN as it seems neither.
Maybe someone could merge the 5.4 english with the german.
The file in the svn was complete the last time I've checked.