Hebrew translation

I'd like to translate Concrete5 into Hebrew. I understand that an Arabic version exists so the RTL issues are resolved. Is this correct?

I speak Arabic as well, so if I could see an Arabic version next to the English one, Hebrew should be a breeze.

powermick replied on at Permalink Reply
We currently translate into Hebrew and try to move in rtl.
it is interesting that okhayat sharing his work on rtl in Arabic that he
make for a year already.
okhayat replied on at Permalink Reply
There's really nothing special I did for Arabic support. It's just the theme is RTL. Some things to watch our for:
1. First of all, setup your language, before doing the installation, and use it by changing /concrete/config/base.php line:
if (!defined('LOCALE')) {
define("LOCALE", 'en_US');
This will assure installing your localized data in example pages and dashboard.
2. Use utf8_unicode_ci for your MySQL DB
3. I did change the CSS for the C5 forms to be RTL, but that's really not necessary and I did it for an old version.
4. To avoid breaking C5's CSS, especially if you want to use direction:rtl in CSS, apply this only to your theme container, and not BODY tag.

Hope this helps a bit.