Help translate concrete5
Permalink 1 user found helpful1. We are no longer using It isn't going anywhere anytime soon, but you can no longer commit to it. It is also no longer the most up-to-date source for language files.
2. Download your language files from the concrete5 project on
I have added 5.4.2 strings and anyone with access to the repository can use a nice web-based interface for modifying the languages found there.
3. I have created a new page with detailed instructions on running concrete5 in other languages, and how to use, and get access to help translate concrete5 on
Thanks everyone!
I've granted you access to translate the es_PE language on You should have received an email invitation to the project from at the email address you registered for at.
I forgot to commit the translated strings of 5.4.1, so I tried to import into MyGengo
- I tried to import the attached .po file onto the MyGengo. But it returned the error.
- In 5.4.2 strings, I don't see any of original strings whereas we can see the master string in the 5.4.1 messages.
Attached the message.po file for 5.4.1 that I forgot to commit to the l8n SVN
There is a blank quotation in msgstr of .po file
msgid "Language" msgstr "" "言語" msgid "Creates navigation trees and sitemaps." msgstr "" "ナビゲーションツリーやサイトマップを作成します。" msgid "Auto-Nav" msgstr "" "オートナビ" msgid "Edit" msgstr "" "編集"
Is there a way to upload it into myGengo?
Thanks for your great c5!
PS: have you read these posts?
For another open-source project (webtrees) I've used LaunchPad very much, which I prefer a lot.
In respect to myGengo, from a translator's point of view, here's some differences:
1) LaunchPad allows the download of po files, which can be translated offline with some tools liike POEdit (or mine BetterPOEditor ;), and then re-uploaded into LaaunchPad. myGengo allows only the download of po files, not the upload of them.
2) LaunchPad offers translation suggestions: if a sentence has already been translated in another project(s), the system propose that translation(s) to the translators.
3) myGengo show all the sentences in one big page. It's not a good thing to have more that 2,000 sentences in the same page: if I close it by mistake (for example) I could loose hours of work.
4) LaunchPad supports translation suggestions: everyone can suggest a new/better translation (and only approved users can accept them).
5) LaunchPad is open...
Thank you all for your great work.
Line 10:
Change from
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
Line 3879
Change from
msgstr "" "A"
msgstr "A"
Line 4017
Change from
msgstr "" "Tipo requerido."
msgstr "Tipo requerido."
Line 4091
Change from
msgstr "" "--- Respuesta arriba. No modifique esta línea --- ["
msgstr "--- Respuesta arriba. No modifique esta línea --- ["
Line 5590
Change from
msgstr "" "Lenguaje por defecto"
msgstr "Lenguaje por defecto"
I already corrected these lines, thank you for showing errors.
This file can be used for any Latin American Spanish and even Spain.
Thank you very much.
I have done only the 542.po file and I am attaching it here. Is there any way I can transfer it to mygengo?
Thank you in advance!
Translation is 100% complete and I will revised as needed if someone comes up with a better translation of any string than mine!
Attached is a german version of the language files for Concrete with some additional strings.
All language files (latest .po and .mo for every language) should become part of the github project and be included in every downloadable package...
edit: attached file updated with some missing strings from the dashboard
For example I have translated, 5.4.1 and 5.4.2 into Finnish.
If I include only the 5.4.2 .mo file into a Concrete5 installation, a lot of strings remain untranslated.
Now if I add the .mo files for and 5.4.1 perhaps 99% of strings get translated.
I have e-mailed the Concrete5 developers about this issue.
It should only need one file where all the strings needed are located.
I'm adding the file from the previous version completely translated