SOLVED: Internationalization add-on again

Hi every one

Just the other day I posted a new topic here, concerning the internationalization add-on and had a very useful answer from Marc.

However, I soon ran into another problem.

The problem presents it self when I want to setup the Country flags at my frontend, and accordingly to the documentation I should now have the option to choose a Custom template making me choose between flag icons or a select option.

This is not an option from my block chooser?

Is there something specific I should do in order to get this option?

The answer from Marc, the other day is here:

I would like to hear from anyone with an idea on how to get the setup option in my frontend.


sabumnimdk replied on at Permalink Reply
I am getting a bit anxious here, since no one has an answer for my question, in regards on how to have the flags activted at my frontend.

Is it because no one else experienced this or does everything run smoothly in your sites ?

Steevb replied on at Permalink Reply

Do you have the default language tree set up?

Have you seen the video?

I have not played with add-on yet.

Sorry I couldn't help more.
sabumnimdk replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi 55web

Yes, I followed the above mentioned video, but the person presenting does not show how to implement the add-on in the frontend.

He only switches the add-on "on" and somehow it appears at the frontend, but I can not find any module to place, when working at the frontend. And this is the problem.

Everything in the dashboard works out fine, but the frontend lacks some presentation.

Mac65 replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Carsten,

you have added the "Language-Switcher" block at the site?

You clicked on it, choosed "Custom Template" and switched from "(None Selected)" to "Flags"?

Works fine for me. Unfortunately only for my test system. For the live system i'm still unable to enable the multilanguage capability.

Drop a line, if it solved your question and if it works on a "real server" for you.


sabumnimdk replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi again Marc,

That is the problem, there are no "Language switcher" when trying to apply it at the page. I can not find any block between all of my other blocks that says anything about "Language switcher".

So I can not get any further, so any ideas on how to solve this would be nice :0)

Mac65 replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Carsten,

could you please describe in detail, how far you got?

My personal checklist for the multilanguage-thingy:

- FTP and extract into /myc5dir/packages
- Login -> Dashboard -> Add Funktionality -> Install "Internationalization"
- Dashboard -> Sitemap -> Create an empty "hook"-page beneath "Home" for each language
- Dashboard -> "Multilingual" -> Choose Language and bind it to one of the "hook"-pages

After this, you should see some pretty flag in the upper edit-area of every page and the language-select-blockthingy should be available.

It's a good idea to include "coffee? check! cigarettes? check!" into the list above.

sabumnimdk replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Marc

First of all, thanks for taking the time, ´cause I am really in the Dark here.

My personal checklist for the multilanguage-thingy:

- FTP and extract into /myc5dir/packages
- Login -> Dashboard -> Add Funktionality -> Install "Internationalization"
- Dashboard -> Sitemap -> Create an empty "hook"-page beneath "Home" for each language
- Dashboard -> "Multilingual" -> Choose Language and bind it to one of the "hook"-pages

After this, you should see some pretty flag in the upper edit-area of every page and the language-select-blockthingy should be available.

I do all of the above, as you mention here.

Plus I extract the concrete5.4.2\concrete\config\base.php, and edit the line in this file to this:


And when visiting my pages, still loggged in, I see the flag icons to the upper right, next to the button to Dashboard.

But the "Language Switch" in my blocks in no where to be found....

It all starts out nice, but suddenly I come to dead halt...


Mac65 replied on at Permalink Reply
Ok, i think, i found the solution:

If the block just don't show up, it may be the problem mentioned here:

Solution is:
The reason for this can be found from the the db.xml file:
Just change the line 4 originally like this:
<field name="bID" type="I" size="11">

To this:
<field name="bID" type="I">

Give it a try. Crossing fingers for you.

sabumnimdk replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Marc

I have been corresponding with Greg on this as well, as he picked up on this.

You were right, in some of the things.

First, I needed to edit the db.xml, and remove the "size="11" ", or in fact Greg sent me a new xml file, to replace the other one.

After this Greg told me to edit the Multilingual under "add functionality or to do a complete re-install of it."

I did the latter, and now it works, and I am now able to "swicth language".

The post is here, from Greg

Marc, thanks for all of your help with this, I came a long way with your help.
