Internationalization, safe_mode: on
Hi again,
Yesterday was a great day, as we had a breakthru in regards to the localhost installation of the new internationalization add-on.
A very big deal :0)
Now my question is, how come this add-on does not work at a live site, where Safe_mode is enabled (safe_mode: on)?
I get that it has to do with this, but could I be able to, at sometime, to install it at a live site (with safe_mode: on) and have it run there?
Or is this completely out of the question?
I should mention that I tried to install it a live testsite, which has safe_mode enabled, and just as I learned, it does not work.
Yesterday was a great day, as we had a breakthru in regards to the localhost installation of the new internationalization add-on.
A very big deal :0)
Now my question is, how come this add-on does not work at a live site, where Safe_mode is enabled (safe_mode: on)?
I get that it has to do with this, but could I be able to, at sometime, to install it at a live site (with safe_mode: on) and have it run there?
Or is this completely out of the question?
I should mention that I tried to install it a live testsite, which has safe_mode enabled, and just as I learned, it does not work.
Please find answer for this problem here:
Warning: realpath(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(C:\Windows\Temp) is not within the allowed path(s): (d:/) in D:\http\\concrete\libraries\3rdparty\Zend\Cache\Backend.php on line 159
Any idea what I should do?
BTW, test site is