language switch displaying in multi-language

I want the language switch to display the languages as NOT translated to the viewing language.

Standard display for a site with languages dutch/german/english, the switch should display like this: nederlands/deutsch/english so every visitor can read the language in their own language.

I use a custom template to display the switch in plain text links:

<?php defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die("Access Denied."); ?>
<div class="ccm-block-switch-language-text">
   <div class="ccm-block-switch-language-text-label">
      <?php echo $label?>
    <?php foreach($languageSections as $ml) { ?>
        <a href="<?php echo $view->action('switch_language', $cID, $ml->getCollectionID())?>"
           title="<?php echo $ml->getLanguageText($locale)?>"
         class="<?php if ($activeLanguage == $ml->getCollectionID()) { ?>ccm-block-switch-language-active-text<?php } ?>">
         <?php echo $ml->getLanguageText($locale)?>
    <?php } ?>

What should i change to display the values in native language notation?

mlocati replied on at Permalink Reply
I submitted

If it gets accepted, the next concrete5 version will have language names in their own language
buurvrouw replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi mlocati,

Thanks! That would be very nice :-)
PaiviK replied on at Permalink Reply
It would be great!
Meanwhile just have to live with flags I guess.
Just spent quite a lot of time trying to figure out a solution - other than flags. With the current system it is impossible for a visitor to navigate from japanese pages to english etc.
Xabatar replied on at Permalink Reply
Because Concrete 8.1.0 has major issues with GlobalAreas in a Multilanguage setup, I still had to build websites in 7.5.13. And I got a solution for this problem by using the language root page titles instead of the the given translated names.
Here is what I used for the code:
<a href="<?php echo $view->action('switch_language', $cID, $ml->getCollectionID())?>">
            <?php $pID = $ml->getCollectionID();
                    $page = Page::getByID($pID);  
                    $name = $page->getCollectionName();
                    echo h($name)?></a>