Let's add the subtitle to "Welcome to concrete5" YouTube video

Since the 5.7, you started showing the YouTube video right after the installation.


We suggest that we, international communities, can add the subtitles so that all users can appreciate the video?

Here are the steps

1. Make original English subtitle file
2. Use YouTube automated transcript function to make English subtitle
3. Correct the mechanical spelling error and timing
4. Download the subtitle file
5. Translate using various software such as Jabler (http://www.jubler.org/ )
6. Upload the subtitles files onto the original YouTube video

If doing so, the YouTube video could automatically display the subtitle by user's language preference of YouTube.

What do ya think?

We, Japanese team, would like to do it.

We already did similar stuff on our own.


zhangarcheage replied on at Permalink Reply
What if when we reprint someone else's video, in addition to the content we want to add, but can it replace the original contents