Locale-specific styleseets
This is my first post here :)
I'm managing a multilingual site based on Concrete5 and need to enable RTL, both in dashboard and site theme, for one of languages.
I found that Concrete5 and its themes are been written with no RTL/bidi support.
In other CMSs I usually override directions in a new css and choose which styles to load in code. For example in OJS:
This is my first post here :)
I'm managing a multilingual site based on Concrete5 and need to enable RTL, both in dashboard and site theme, for one of languages.
I found that Concrete5 and its themes are been written with no RTL/bidi support.
In other CMSs I usually override directions in a new css and choose which styles to load in code. For example in OJS:
function getStylesheetFilename() { $curLocExt = AppLocale::getLocale(); if ($curLocExt == "fa_IR") return 'blueSteel-rtl.css'; else return 'blueSteel.css'; }