Setting up multilanguage site in 8.5.4


Is there an up to date tutorial for setting up a multilingual site in 8.5.4 ?

I have looked at the video tutorial for setting up Multilingual sites (which is based on version 7). In this video the set up allows "choose a page" in the multilingual tab.

In version 8.5.4 the set up allows only "add page" in the multilingual tab.

If I follow the video tutorial I end up with the home page (in USA English)
The English page I added as per the tutorial (UK English)
The Polish page I added as per the tutorial

When I add the language switcher I have 3 languages
English (which links to the USA English home page)
Polish (which links to the Polish page for the Polish tree)
English (which links to the UK English page for the English tree)

As the nav is set to start at the second level (as per the tutorial) The first "English" in the language switcher directs to the home page which is not used.

I cannot delete the USA English in the language switcher.

How can I fix this ?

alanek replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
I found an explanation on the forum from 2016:

User "jfhencken" explained that in Concrete5 series 8x the multilanguage set up has been changed.

"jfhencken" also posted a .pdf which I repost here for anyone who needs it, many thanks "jfhencken"

Unfortunately on concrete5 webpage in the docs section , the multilanguage tab is empty.