Normalmente, un bloque ya comunica automaticamente con la web. Prueba a poner el css en el stilo principal, asi como el js y verás que funciona sin problema. Si lo que quieres es usar php para variables, data etc... depende el blque las clases que usa , mirá la documentación
If you want to comunicate with a block, for example css or js you can put your styles or scripts in the main css file or main js file of the site, no more. If you want to take var or data dependes the class you import in the block, you can see the concrete5 documentation
If you want to comunicate with a block, for example css or js you can put your styles or scripts in the main css file or main js file of the site, no more. If you want to take var or data dependes the class you import in the block, you can see the concrete5 documentation
If you want to comunicate with a block, for example css or js you can put your styles or scripts in the main css file or main js file of the site, no more. If you want to take var or data dependes the class you import in the block, you can see the concrete5 documentation