Transifex project to translate packages

We're pleased to announce the availability of a new Transifex project targeted to translate concrete5 packages.

# To help us with translations you can go to

# To download translations you can go to or

# To ask the inclusion of new packages you can contact Remo or Michele via Transifex, by specifying:
- the name of your package
- the concrete5 handle of your package
- the URL for the source code of the package
- a .pot file with the strings to be translated
To generate the .pot files from your package you can read the Translate Your Package how-to ( )
The URL to the source code is needed due to Transifex, that offer free services only to open source projects.

Best wishes
Remo, Torsten and Michele

mlocati replied on at Permalink Reply
To submit your packages, you have to:

1. subscribe yourself to Transifex (it's mandatory, since when you want to download translations you'll need a Transifex account)

2. send a private message to Michele ( ) or Remo ( ) with the info described above
JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
I tried to follow the instructions and message via transifex, but could only do so if I opened an account as either translator (which I am not) or as a user (which I am not). So am posting here.

I have assembled a list of my free addons at
Remo replied on at Permalink Reply
John, if you can create POT files for all the add-ons, we can add them for you.

We'd need:
- The name of the project
- The POT file
- The URL where the add-on can be downloaded
mlocati replied on at Permalink Reply
@JohntheFish: yes, you need a Transifex account.
It's not necessary to add your packages to Transifex, but it's necessary when you incorporate the translations in your packages.

Everything is very easy, using the tools you find here:

1. i18n.php creates the .pot file (it contains the translatable strings): command line: `php path/to/i18n.php --webroot=path/to/website --package=package-handle --createpot=1 --createpo=0 --compile=0`

2. packager.php fetches the translations from Transifex, compiles them and places them in the right place (but a Transifex account is needed here). For command line help digit `php path/to/packager.php --help`
A3020 replied on at Permalink Reply
What exactly is the intention for developers? Are we encouraged to add the translation files to the package files when the status reaches 100%?
mlocati replied on at Permalink Reply
Well, I'd include translations even if they are at 1%... This way, at least something's translated.
This is true because nowadays the core translations are very complete (see )
A3020 replied on at Permalink Reply
I just submitted my first package to Transifex and everything went very smooth- and quickly. @mlocati gave some advice regarding translation files which turn out to be very handy! I recommend all developers to submit their packages!
