Translating Package to German
Got a package and want to offer it in German language too?
Make it translatable, how described at
and send me .po file.
Make it translatable, how described at
and send me .po file.
Do you know whether the discussion/forum package (from Concrete5) is translated to german? Where can I get .mo files? Thanks in advance!
Not yet.
Translated package for calendar (attached).
the semicolon must be masked with \:
find $webroot/packages/$package -iname '*.php' -exec xgettext --default-domain=messages --keyword=t -l PHP -p $packagepath -j {} \;
lets see how much discussion is to do...
the semicolon must be masked with \:
find $webroot/packages/$package -iname '*.php' -exec xgettext --default-domain=messages --keyword=t -l PHP -p $packagepath -j {} \;
lets see how much discussion is to do...
Attached is my german translation for the current discussion package (v1.5.3)
Translated Matogertels search tools.
~130 strings
~130 strings
Translated Extended Form by corretje ;)
~100 strings
~100 strings
i'm on translating datadisplay package. If anyone is interested in translating discussion package (~200strings) i would be glad to hear :)
I would translate the discussion package to german. But I don't know how to create the .po file for poedit. Or do you have one?
yes, will post later.
message.po for discussion package.
message.po and for datadisplay package.
Hi, i really would like to help out with translations from english into german. But need a little crash course how the translations are done.. is there a short tutorial somewhere?
..damn, good if you can read.. didn't saw the link in your opening post.. sry..
no problem. Any help is appricated :)
I'm on the latest .po file for blog, so grab a package you like, but tell us, so we can coordinate the ork a bit.
Preferred: Statistics, Photo Browser and example faq.
I take traffic & statistics, popup package and testimonials next.
no problem. Any help is appricated :)
I'm on the latest .po file for blog, so grab a package you like, but tell us, so we can coordinate the ork a bit.
Preferred: Statistics, Photo Browser and example faq.
I take traffic & statistics, popup package and testimonials next.
Hello there i need some help... I wrote my own add_on and now i need to translate the Blocks in different languages... I found some helpfull blog entries here. I translated the .po .mo width poEdit and puted my files in as example for english in my packageroot created the folder languages/en_US/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po and I gues there is nothing wrong but now i cant see any translated text on my site.. do I have to wrote somthing at my controllers? define somthing or somthing else?? Please need this very qickly..
this depends on what language you have set in config/site.php.
What c5 version are you using?
this depends on what language you have set in config/site.php.
What c5 version are you using?
Hi i am using i want to change the language if the user switch the language.For this isue I'm using the internationalizing add_on. there ar only 3 block views to translate but its important I'm in Switzerland and using an english version en_US of concrete5 the content of the site is to translate in DE FR and EN thats all not a problem. The problem is what ever I do the files messages.po witch I ned dont want to answer. in my php is also the gettext enabled..
Thanks for answering so fast.
Thanks for answering so fast.
please repost or link this to the support forum of the internationalization add-on.
I'm not sure how translation does work using this add-on.
please repost or link this to the support forum of the internationalization add-on.
I'm not sure how translation does work using this add-on.
ok I'll do that. thanks for now. I solved that problem with my own script by using .xml languages translation files and it works for now but i guess that this solution is not a concrete5 conformed solution.Maybe I can change that for my next version..