
Looking for reliable C5 developer, v8 +, expert PHP, C5 API

Looking for a developer (not website designer). PHP expert that is a wizard and absolute authority on all things C5 Including API and v8. Have a number of tasks to start, building out C5 with substantial customizations. Should be able to work to exa…

Logo: how to delete/center it

Hi, this is a followup to my other query "CENTER TITLE." I don't know how delete or center the logo on my site. One of you mentioned accessing the logo with code in a css file, but I don't know where that is or how to write code. I'd be grateful for an ex…

Unable to upload images

Hello, I am having trouble uploading images. I go through the process in either way, dragging a photo or choosing it from a drop down menu, and the system gives me the percentage bar as if it is uploading the image, and then nothing, the image does not ap…


Hello, please help me center the TITLE on my page: Thank you!

Setup Gmail as SMTP server for Concrete5 Website

I need someone that is experienced with setting up Gmail as the SMTP server for a website. I've gone in and put in the credentials to do so in the Dashboard but it isn't connecting. I believe the correct ports are open that need to be open on the server…

Cambridge - C5 developer

Hi, We had had rush on work recently and are looking for a contract C5 web developer to join our team in Cambridge 2-3 months of work. If you are interested DM me. Thanks Marcus

Практически любая служба такси сегодня предлагает услугу трезвый водитель.

Вы не оплачиваете наказание за неимение расширенной страховки Буде автомобиль остановят сотрудники ГИБДД, мы оплатим наказание следовать абсентеизм данных водителя в полисе ОСАГО. Однако только у нас услуга трезвый водитель является настолько качественн…

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