Advanced C5 Programmer Needed for Website Project

I am a web designer and front-end web developer (CSS/HTML) looking for a programmer who has extensive experience programming in PHP, MySQL, AJAX and in working with the C5 core - someone who create the functionality I need easily.

The project is a membership website for a spiritual teacher to be programmed in Concrete5. The core function of the website is to invite people to pay for membership, giving them access to a series of video teachings and a video based workbook that captures, displays and archives information entered by the user.

In addition there is need to integrate a signup form between Aweber and membership enrollment of the site, (I understand Aweber has a good API for integration).

There is more to it than that involving a number of custom functions for the interactive workbook.

Ideally I am looking for someone who has:
• Experience with paid membership setup in Concrete5.
• Sufficient experience working with C5 core to make this an easy job.
• Experienced with PHP, MySQL, AJAX.
• Clean code. Organized and commented.
• Standards HTML with sufficient use of selectors for CSS styling. We can talk about this as needed.
• Able to pay attention to and understand the need of the website, and communicate any questions or comments for the need of the website's success, and not get lost in the details of programming such that the end result misses the intent.

I have more details that I can send to those who are interested AND who feel this is something you could potentially do with ease, (I understand the Aweber integration will likely take some research).


Send me a private message or reply to this post with:
- an email address;
- information to qualify your experience and/or ability to at least meet the needs described above;
- anything else relevant.
- Please do not otherwise contact me. I will review the responses on Monday.


ronyDdeveloper replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm sending you a Private Message.
