Bootstrap Webdesign

I recently bought the Bootstrap theme, and am looking for some assistance in getting the website all up and together. I'd like to put in an image slider, a blog section/news, places for video and have various pages for content. I'd also like it to be branded with my logo and the logo's colors, and to whatever extent possible the logo fonts as well.

I think my budget is around $200 for this project. I would ideally like to learn a bit through the process so I know the basics of how to update the website in the future.


mississippimushrooms replied on at Permalink Reply
Forgot to mention that some SEO would be nice too.
ronyDdeveloper replied on at Permalink Reply
$200 is not a good fund for a website creation from scratch. I would be interested if you increase your budget little more.

mississippimushrooms replied on at Permalink Reply
I might be able to increase my budget up to $300. How much do you think you could do with that?
ronyDdeveloper replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm sending you a PM.
Job replied on at Permalink Reply

I would be able to complete your website for you, however, my fees will come in at 200$ or there abouts before the purchase of any third party software.

I'd be perfectly willing to talk you through basic management of your site afterwards and provide a certain amount of support for a month afterwards.

If you'd like to make a go of things, let me know.


mississippimushrooms replied on at Permalink Reply
Hey Job-

That sounds good. Out of curiosity, do you have any examples of sites you have worked on in the past?
PineCreativeLabs replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm interested, if you haven't already found someone. Sending you a private message.