Broken Site is Broken

Hi All,

This is not a fun day and has held a lot of troubleshooting, so I'll try and remember as much as I can.

I updated a site to yesterday. All was going well until I was making some changes in the Proevents module and somehow lost the call to display the events (was not working in or with a copy of the file either. I'm an idiot).

Anyways, I can't figure out how to get it back and decide I'll just hit Cpanel and pull in the backup I made yesterday. Things went downhill from there with this message:

Catchable fatal error: Argument 1 passed to ConfigStore::__construct() must be an instance of Database, null given, called in D:\Hosting\5063581\html\concrete\models\config.php on line 48 and defined in D:\Hosting\5063581\html\concrete\models\config.php on line 136

This didn't make a lot of sense as nothing had changed with passwords on the db, but managed to get things connected again, and now I see missing pages and elements, and all kinds of horrific behavior (right now I can see a log in screen, but it craps the bed after the credentials are entered).

I've tried kicking in the update url and now I'm seeing this:
An Unexpected Error occurred while upgrading: mysql error: [1048: Column 'cOverrideTemplatePermissions' cannot be null] in EXECUTE("insert into Pages (cID, cFilename, cParentID, cInheritPermissionsFrom, cOverrideTemplatePermissions, cInheritPermissionsFromCID, cDisplayOrder, cIsSystemPage, uID, pkgID) values ('505', '/!trash/view.php', '1', 'PARENT', NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 1, 0)")

Pretty much at wits end right now.

Is there anyone that might be able to have a look and see if they can sort me out for a cost? I'm guessing that an hour or two of work will either fix the issues, or confirm that I'm hooped. I'm happy to pay for the time, but it would have to happen pretty quickly (as the client's site is down and has been most of today).

Thanks in advance.

TooqInc replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Sorry. Should have mentioned that I got one quick response to this and some later on.

The responder was not able to solve it but did give some helpful advice. The site is now up and running (though I'm not trusting it quite yet).

Thanks to everyone for their PMs.