Build a package based on Timeline JS


I would like to build a C5 package for Timeline JS ( -

The main features I need are to make it work with JSON, and allow adding text with images, video or youtube.
Allowing all config options is a plus:
<script type="text/javascript">
var timeline_config = {
   width:              '100%',
   height:             '600',
   source:             'path_to_json/or_link_to_googlespreadsheet',
   embed_id:           'timeline-embed',               //OPTIONAL USE A DIFFERENT DIV ID FOR EMBED
   start_at_end:       false,                          //OPTIONAL START AT LATEST DATE
   start_at_slide:     '4',                            //OPTIONAL START AT SPECIFIC SLIDE
   start_zoom_adjust:  '3',                            //OPTIONAL TWEAK THE DEFAULT ZOOM LEVEL
   hash_bookmark:      true,                           //OPTIONAL LOCATION BAR HASHES
   font:               'Bevan-PotanoSans',             //OPTIONAL FONT
   debug:              true,                           //OPTIONAL DEBUG TO CONSOLE
   lang:               'fr',                           //OPTIONAL LANGUAGE
   maptype:            'watercolor',                   //OPTIONAL MAP STYLE
   css:                'path_to_css/timeline.css',     //OPTIONAL PATH TO CSS

I wouldn't mind publishing the package for free on the market place as well.
I need it for C5 5.6.x

Please contact me if you're interested.

jamesleech replied on at Permalink Reply
Came across your post and wondered if anything ever came of this?