CLOSED custom work - custom internal contact directory/responsibility filtered listing

Thanks for everyone who responded, we have selected someone to do the work, so the job is closed.
I am leaving the original posting alone after the dashes.

We are building an internally facing website/intranet and one of our objectives is a comprehensive contact directory. We tried to use the contact directory add-on but it is not exactly what we are looking for. It’s close, but doesn’t meet our minimum requirements.

We would like a database oriented contact directory (not linked to C5 user database, either a separate MySQL DB or connection to an external SQL instance, whatever works) with the minimum following features:
1. Each record contains
-a. Photo of person
-b. First and Last name
-c. Email address (hyperlinked)
-d. Office Phone
-e. Branch
-f. Department
-g. Title
-h. Responsibilities (here is where it gets tricky)
--i. This should be a list of possible responsibilities with the ability to choose primary or secondary
--ii. The purpose of this is to be able to filter/search based on someone’s responsibility, with the primary person showing up first, and secondary person/people showing up second
2. The records need to be able to be sortable by first/last name, email address, branch, title, dept
3. The records need be filterable based on first/last name, branch, title, department or responsibilities
4. Security rights so that only administrators can modify records

Additionally, these items are things that would be nice to have:
1. Each record should be clickable/expandable to be able to view a larger profile for the person (including personal things, such as hobbies, school, favorite whatever, family, etc)
2. The person’s record should be highlighted or have an icon indicating it’s their birthday (or within a week)
3. A record for each branch, clickable from the profile of a person, enabling us to view generic phone number, fax number, email address, physical address, a branch photo, and any unique calendar events going on with the branch

Please PM me or reply with any requests for more information!


ronyDdeveloper replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm sending you a Private Message
dbradley replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for everyone who responded, we have selected someone to do the work, so the job is closed.