general Concrete5 advising and handholding for experienced dev

Project: A simple web-app that guides college-bound students through the application process and with advice, notifications, pdf generation, etc.

Duration and scope: Over the next 6-8 weeks, with most mentoring in the first few weeks. Probably ~15-20 hours total, maybe less. I can imagine a series of 1 hour (ish) skype conversations that help me get past the basics quickly and also advise me on best practices, work flow tips, that sort of thing. And we'll have fun.

Assuming the rate is reasonable, I can get the client to fund it.

About me: An experienced php dev that has worked for > 3 years mostly with SilverStripe (and did alot of J2EE and other web dev before that). I prefer to learn things from mentors and other coders on live projects. I know the basics for c5 from simple site constuction. Also, the client is very straightforward, pleasant and reasonable.

If things work out, I would likely want to work with you on future projects, some of which are already in the pipeline.

I'm in the Pacific timezone of the US


ronyDdeveloper replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm sending you a PM.