HELP - Broken Site

Our site, which was working perfectly has now stopped.

We receive this error message when accessing any page -

An unexpected error occurred.
An exception occurred while executing 'SELECT t0.issID AS issID1, t0.customClass AS customClass2, t0.backgroundColor AS backgroundColor3, t0.backgroundImageFileID AS backgroundImageFileID4, t0.backgroundRepeat AS backgroundRepeat5, t0.borderColor AS borderColor6, t0.borderStyle AS borderStyle7, t0.borderWidth AS borderWidth8, t0.borderRadius AS borderRadius9, t0.baseFontSize AS baseFontSize10, t0.alignment AS alignment11, t0.textColor AS textColor12, t0.linkColor AS linkColor13, t0.marginTop AS marginTop14, t0.marginBottom AS marginBottom15, t0.marginLeft AS marginLeft16, t0.marginRight AS marginRight17, t0.paddingTop AS paddingTop18, t0.paddingBottom AS paddingBottom19, t0.paddingLeft AS paddingLeft20, t0.paddingRight AS paddingRight21, t0.rotate AS rotate22, t0.boxShadowHorizontal AS boxShadowHorizontal23, t0.boxShadowVertical AS boxShadowVertical24, t0.boxShadowBlur AS boxShadowBlur25, t0.boxShadowSpread AS boxShadowSpread26, t0.boxShadowColor AS boxShadowColor27, t0.hideOnExtraSmallDevice AS hideOnExtraSmallDevice28, t0.hideOnSmallDevice AS hideOnSmallDevice29, t0.hideOnMediumDevice AS hideOnMediumDevice30, t0.hideOnLargeDevice AS hideOnLargeDevice31 FROM StyleCustomizerInlineStyleSets t0 WHERE t0.issID = ?' with params ["67"]: SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 't0.hideOnExtraSmallDevice' in 'field list'

I have updated to the latest concrete5 which did not help.

Our host states that it is not at their end.

any ideas?

BreakfastStudio replied on at Permalink Reply

This seems like a missing column in the database. I can help you with this.
