I need help with my site... Would like to connect to Community

I use this Concrete5 program through my website provider...

So far this service is great in helping a novice like myself in creating this website.

However, I came up with a bit of a problem...
I can not connect to the Community even after I have created an account through Concrete5 Website. With the most recent updates. There are so many themes that could be found in the Marketplace. It would be awesome to start using those themes. However, I could understand by using HostMonster I may be limited to what is available. Please elaborate on this and perhaps if there is a way to update my site with some great themes, it would be greatly appreciated.

Ekko replied on at Permalink Reply
Using Hostmonster will not limit you in any way in connecting or downloading themes. When it tells you that you cant connect what does it say is the reason ? Bad password, bad username, already listed ?

Apart from the above you can isntall themes and addons manually by opening up your file manager through Hostmonsters cpanel. On the cpanel main page you will find a section marked files, click the file manager you see here. Steer yourself to the concrete 5 folders and find the folder "packages" usually the path is /public_html/packages.
Upload themes and add-ons here than install them through the c5 dashboard under "extend Concrete5" right at the bottom. Click it, click install from the list of uploads and you should be good to go.