Is possible create a scheduled task for clean the directory /httpdocs/files/tmp?

I don't know what king of files there are on this directory, but, I want create a script on php for clear these files everyday, howers, If exists an option on concrete5 for create a schenduled task is better.

My current version is

Can you help me?

hayden39 replied on at Permalink Reply
i can help with your requirement.
you can connect me on skype: cis.am4 for further queries.
also you can mail me on
carlosibex replied on at Permalink Reply
Sorry, I was wrong forum. The idea is to ask for help.
blueatlas replied on at Permalink Reply
Assuming you are hosted on Linux, you can schedule this command to run daily:

find /httpdocs/files/tmp -name sess_\* -mmin +240 -exec rm -f {} \;

This command will delete session files that are over 240 minutes old. You can adjust -mmin to be above your session expiration.
carlosibex replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you very much!. Yes, I have Linux OS.

My idea was to create a .php or .sh file and then create a scheduled task from Plesk so that it executes those files every day.

Is this code that you have given me for a .sh file?
blueatlas replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes, you can place that in a shell file and schedule it to run daily, or you may be able to just run it directly, depending on what options you have with the Plesk control panel.