Location based content

I have a client that has several locations and they want to be able to show certain content throughout their site based upon the users location.

Is this possible? Is there an add-on for this? If not, is there anyone out there that can build this and if so how much?

Cahueya replied on at Permalink Reply
I am not entirely sure if your need could be served out-of-the-box but it seems like the "Magic Data" functions come close to what you want:


JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Currently coming through the PRB, @goutnet has an IP address to location lookup with a Magic Data interface.

(link won't work until approved by PRB)

For basic re-direct to pages based on IP location lookup, that is built into the addon, so you wouldn't need Magic Data.

JB1 also has a IP location based redirect addon
getjoel replied on at Permalink Reply
That's perfect.. Thank you!