Looking for a designer/developer to help with laundry list of website changes/updates


I purchased a fantastic template from C5Mix and he helped port the site and did customized design work.

I have a laundry list of changes however C5Mix is now only focusing on templates and suggested I reach out to this forum.

Its my assessment the work is not heavy lifting but more aligned to cosmetic or medium level changes.

I'm looking for someone that's experienced with modifying or configuring existing sites which is a little design, configuration and development. We will require add-on's.

We can discuss budget and time once there is understanding of the scope of work.


ScottC replied on at Permalink Reply
Well I am interesting in writing add-ons and doing development.
You can shoot me a PM from my profile.
MDP1 replied on at Permalink Reply

Good to hear from you. Can you share a few things such as C5 sites you've designed, your rate and availability. Also, do you have references.
