Looking for a partner to build a Case Management System Addon

My Current Setup
I have a small business running an open source case management system called "clinicases" with my website of course they are not integrated but look descent and function ok, it is also hosted with godaddy.

My Responsibilities
For this project my responsibilities would be design, graphics, testing, public relations. Although I do know some of the code side of things like installing, configuring, modifying, and navigating through code and databases but I’m still a novice. I have about 5 websites that I have made and maintaining for my other personal projects.

My Partner
What I need is someone that can make custom addons. But that can write and implement code fast so we can start testing. This is not a spare time gig for intermediate programmers. Someone that has time and interest in a project like this.

The Goal
Is to develop and sell the addon and support.

It would be a partnership type business once there is revenue.

So if you are interested Skype me barry.b.smith...serious inquires only. Thank You!
