Looking for C5 developer to troubleshoot an issue I'm having with the site search

I have a client that we've added the ecommerce add-on to and it's not working correctly.

I just did a search of a few products and it is not finding them. Below I have listed a few of the products that I tested and it appears to be some of the same ones that I have previously sent you issues with.

39003 – Can not find it -http://semproducts.com/product-catalog/specialty-products/trim-pain...

39377 – Not finding the product page -http://semproducts.com/product-catalog/repair-materials/dual-mix/se...

39793 Not finding the product page -http://semproducts.com/product-catalog/rust-and-corrosion/chip-guar...

38381 – Not finding the product page.

There is a similarity between these products. They are all individually listed and do not have a chart below them. It appears that all products that have a chart below them are searching at least for the part number and name, those that do not are only partially searching.

Here is an example of one that is searching the product number and name correctly.:
For this one I am able to search the product numbers, names and shorten versions of the name but still nothing within the product description. Only a few products are searching within the description.

Anyone who thinks they might be able to help me with this.. Please let me know. I've already done the following:

1. Verify the blocks with the important content are set to be searchable and that the content is set as text (check to make sure the text field is being used for those numbers you want searched--the search only indexes text content). Also, it wouldn't hurt to actually edit the blocks in question (even if you don't make changes) save and publish again. In general the search index job looks for recently edited content to update the index--it doesn't just reindex everything.
2. Manually clear the database table for the search index
3. Clear your site cache, even if it's not enabled
4. Run the search job again
5. Clear the cache again, just in case
6. Test

Please help..

wagdi replied on at Permalink Reply
H Joel,

I have sent you a PM. Please check your inbox.

Best wishes,
getjoel replied on at Permalink Reply
wagdi replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Joel,

I had already sent you a PM. Were you unsuccessful in your application?

Best wishes,
getjoel replied on at Permalink Reply
You referred me to Steve who never responded to my email..
tallacman replied on at Permalink Reply
That wasn’t me? Was it?
getjoel replied on at Permalink Reply
No.. It was Steve Roberts.. but I'll take anyone at this point.. :)
wagdi replied on at Permalink Reply
@ tallacman- No. It was a different Steve.

@getjoel- I am surprised he didn't reply to you. There must be some extenuating circumstances for him to not reply. My apologies for wasting your time.

I'd suggest you go ahead and get started with Steve Braun if he has the time to help.

Best wishes,